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Cibrario Health Orthopedics

Via Luigi Cibrario N° 48 - Turin.

Tel. WhatsApp : 011 4276565

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Guide to cellulite

Cellulite, whose real name is edematous-fibro-sclerotic panniculopathy (PEFS), derives

from an alteration of the panniculus, a layer of subcutaneous tissue rich in fat cells.

Cellulite progresses through 3 stages.

The three stages of cellulite

    The first stage of cellulite occurs when the venous and lymphatic circulation slows down, and micro lesions occur

at the level of the capillary walls.

The liquids and toxins contained in them tend instead of being conveyed into the bloodstream to be expelled

to transfer into the tissues.

Edema (swellings) appear, localized especially around the ankles, calves, legs,

to the thighs, to the arms.

These liquids that stagnate and that the body can no longer get rid of make the skin appear soft when touched

you can feel the loss of tone and elasticity: this is the first stage of cellulite.

    In the second stage of cellulite the fat cells tend to distance themselves from each other under the pressure

of the accumulated interstitial fluid and are no longer able to carry out their normal metabolic functions,

that is, they can no longer be mobilized for energy purposes.

The elastic fibers are compressed by the swelling of the fat cells and are no longer able to carry out their function:

the skin begins to appear less elastic and loses brightness.

Collagen fibres, which form the tissue framework and have a supporting function, also degenerate

and the capillaries harden.

Fine nodulations are formed due to reactive fibrosis, responsible for the classic appearance of the typical orange peel skin

of cellulite in the second stage.

    In the third stage of cellulite, blood and lymph flow continues to decrease, nodules always form

larger and painful to the touch.

The initial fibrosis has transformed into real sclerosis of the tissues which have become caged in large hard masses

the previous micronodules.

The number of dilated capillaries increases, hematomas appear, the skin surface is no longer homogeneous and smooth but presents

the typical mattress-like appearance, it is cold to the touch due to circulatory failure, it is painful if it is touched even with modest pressure and if it is compressed, it leaves a depression that disappears only after a few seconds:

it is cellulite in the last stages.

Causes of cellulite

We often read that the causes of cellulite are genetic (white women are more affected

of those of other races) or family members, suggesting that yes, cellulite can be fought with diet and lifestyle,

but that in reality if a woman is "unlucky" there is little that can be done.

In reality, it is enough to look at female athletes in sports that require a lean body to realize that cellulite

it is a problem that only affects overweight or sedentary women.

The elimination of these two conditions is necessary (it is not enough to be thin!) as there are thin but sedentary women who, although they are "thin" still have a rather high fat percentage.

It is not uncommon to see thin women with cellulite among the participants in beauty contests: they are the "fake thin", with thin legs

but flaccid due to a sedentary lifestyle.

On the other hand, cellulite is an alteration that particularly affects adipose tissue: if there is little fat,

there will also be little cellulite and at most, even if cellulite is present due to genetic causes, in a strong body

and thin you will notice very little or not at all.


Remedies against cellulite

Anti-cellulite creams have zero validity. By now it should be known to everyone that cellulite creams are products

capable of improving the appearance of the skin thanks to their hydrating power, but which they do nothing to block

or make cellulite regress.

Nutrition and physical activity, aimed at achieving a healthy weight, are the best weapons against cellulite.

However, if the tissue has reached the third stage the fat included in the tissue cannot be permanently altered

mobilized and therefore we must act in another way.

Note the uselessness of all that qualitative advice made outside of a slimming logic:

if you don't lose weight it makes little sense to reduce sodium (which is always a positive thing), drink a liter and a half of water a day,

avoid foods that tire the liver, if you don't lose weight...

Furthermore, most of these provisions are automatically satisfied by following

a low-calorie and balanced diet.

Sports activity must therefore also be practiced with a view to consuming the greatest possible number of calories: it is therefore necessary

choose an aerobic sport (swimming, running, cycling, etc.) and practice it for at least 4 hours a week.

Various massage techniques (lymphatic drainage, pressotherapy, etc.) can be effective

in mild forms of cellulite but not in the more severe ones (advanced second stage and third stage).

For these, more “hard” techniques are needed, up to and including surgery.

In ultrasonic hydrolipoclasy the affected area is injected with a physiological solution,

then 3 MHz ultrasound is applied which interacts with the injected liquid causing a mechanical action

which breaks down fat cells.

Mesotherapy and its evolution, microtherapy, act through the injection of drugs that do not cause lesions

to capillaries or hematomas.

But the technique that gives immediate results is liposculpture, an evolution of liposuction that allows you to eliminate

cellulite by physically removing the degenerated subcutaneous tissue, and to reshape the tissues to obtain

an optimal profile of the thighs and buttocks.

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