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Orders received after this date will be shipped in September.

The sales and rental activity will resume regularly from 2 September in the usual opening hours 9.00-12.30 and 15-30-19.00.


Cibrario Health Orthopedics

Via Luigi Cibrario N° 48 - Turin.

Tel. WhatsApp : 011 4276565

Your health...

our goal !



What is ultrasound therapy

The biological effect produced by ultrasound, sound waves with

frequency above the hearing threshold.

The penetration of sound waves through tissues has a mechanical action

(micromassage), thermal and chemical, with the following therapeutic effects: analgesic

and anti-inflammatory; decontracting (muscle relaxation); fibronolytic and trophic

(reabsorption of hematomas, elimination of small calcifications, stimulation

tissue healing).

Ultrasound therapy can be carried out with a contact technique (with interposition

of a gel between the ultrasound machine head and the skin)

or when immersed in water when dealing with uneven surfaces such as hands and feet.

A session lasts 8 to 10 minutes.

There is also the association of medicinal gel with ultrasound and this is called ultrasound phoresis.

Indications Ultrasound therapy is essentially indicated for pathologies

of periosteal, tendon and capsular structures.

Coccydynia (coccyx pain) Antalgic muscle contractures Arthrosis Disease

Dupuytren's Organized hematomas and hypertrophic scar tissue.

Warnings People with pacemakers, cochlear implants or endoprostheses can undergo

ultrasound therapy only on the recommendation of the treating doctor.

Patients treated with radiotherapy cannot undergo treatments

with ultrasound therapy before 6 months from the last irradiation.

Patients with karsiovascular diseases can only be treated with low intensities.

The therapy is strongly not recommended in case of: thrombophlebitis, because ultrasound can

cause rupture of emboli; acute sepsis of the areas to be treated,

due to the danger of spreading the infection; pregnancy, due to the risk of causing damage to the fetus,

in the lumbar area; neoplasms, to avoid stimulating the growth of metastases.


Ultrasound therapy uses the mechanical energy of sound waves at such a high frequency

so as not to be perceptible to the human ear.

Ultrasound therapy devices consist of a power generator

high frequency, a shielded cable and an emitter head which is usually placed

on the area to be treated in a fixed or mobile manner (in this last case between the skin and the head

a fatty substance or gel must be interposed).

Ultrasound can also be used in water: the head is immersed in the water medium

close to the area to be treated.

They exert three types of effects:

    · a mechanical effect, · a thermal effect, · a chemical effect favoring exchanges in the tissues.

The therapeutic actions derive from the combination of these three effects:

· analgesic,

· antiflogistica,

· fibrolytic,

· muscle relaxation,

· circulatory metabolic stimulus.

Its usefulness is highlighted in inflammation of the soft tissues, tendons, muscles,

as a muscle relaxant, in accelerating tissue repair processes.


    InflammationNeoplasmsPregnancyMetal devices near the treated areaPace maker wearers

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