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Cibrario Health Orthopedics

Via Luigi Cibrario N° 48 - Turin.

Tel. WhatsApp : 011 4276565

Your health...

our goal !

laser terapia



The Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is an instrument capable of amplifying light waves

without resorting to electronic converters and is currently the most advanced type of light source available to us.

Laser light is characterized by 4 characteristics:

MONOCHROMATICITY The Laser acts with a single and precise emission frequency

and emits light waves with the same wavelength and energy;

BRILLIANCE The light beam emitted by the Laser is extremely intense and powerful, diffused in one direction only;

COHERENCE all the photons emitted by the Laser vibrate in phase concordance both in space and time.

Therefore each point will be hit with the same quantitative and qualitative characteristics;

UNIDIRECTIONALITY The Laser emits parallel beams of light.

Lasers are also divided into three large sections:

CONTINUOUS LASERS that maintain a high level of average power;

PULSED LASERS that operate in pulses, reach greater peak power, but are characterized

for low average power.

HIGH POWER SUPERPULSED LASERS with peak power of 800 watts and average power of 4-5 watts

for a complete and faster resolution of all pathologies that can be treated with medical laser therapy and for treatment

of pathologies that have not been treatable up to now, such as cartilaginous degeneration and pathologies located very deeply.

Laser therapy

Laser technology applied to the medical field saw its birth in the late 70s and early 80s and,

since then it has undergone continuous evolution.

This active, non-invasive medical device for temporary use is built to use, for therapeutic purposes,

the biological effects induced by the energy generated by stimulated emission, from the Laser light source which,

applied to body segments of the patient, it helps to eliminate or reduce the ongoing pathology.

Laser applications are of two types:

CONTACT THERAPY which uses handpieces placed directly on the skin and intervenes through stimulation

of "trigger" points or painful areas.

SCAN THERAPY which allows you to treat larger areas automatically.

At the point of contact with the laser no pain is felt, only a sensation of heat.

However, attention is needed for the eyes, in fact the use of glasses is necessary during irradiation.

The treatment times of the therapies must be established for each individual case.

Since Laser Therapy treatments have a cumulative effect, it is recommended to address chronic disorders with treatments

spaced over time, while acute ones with close applications.

Over 25 years of clinical experience, without any significant side effects having been recorded

or tissue damage, confirm that the use of Laser Therapy no longer raises fears of unknown side effects.

In short, Laser Therapy indicates a new frontier for rehabilitation and preventive medicine and it has entered

in the most current, safe and effective outpatient practices.

Therapeutic effects

• BIOSTIMULANT EFFECT Laser light accelerates the healing of ulcers or numb sores. Energy recharge

the cells which, if damaged by traumatic or degenerative inflammation, begin to carry out their functions again;

• ACTIVATION OF THE MICROCIRCULATION Laser therapy has an intense vasoactive action on the microcirculation, which favors

a greater nutritional intake and better drainage of catabolites from the tissues;

• ANTALGIC EFFECT the Laser causes analgesia because it raises the excitability threshold of the receptors and carries out an anti-inflammatory action.

Fields of application

The fields of application of the laser, from rehabilitation therapy to that in the sports field, make this means reliable

and advisable under the direct supervision of a doctor attentive to updating, with solid preparation

and a long experience, who knows how to listen to the patient and is therefore able to operate well.

The range of pathologies that benefit from the use of laser light therapy is extremely vast.

The areas in which Laser Therapy achieves excellent results are:

• ARTHRO - RHEUMATIC PATHOLOGY cervical arthrosis, sciatica, tendinitis of the rotator cuff of the shoulder,

polyarthritis of the hands and feet, epicondylitis, hip arthrosis (in the initial phase), gonalgia with and without effusion, torticollis,

lumbago, myositis, whiplash syndrome; carpal tunnel syndrome.

• SPORTS TRAUMATOLOGY heel pain, groin pain, contractures, plantar fasciitis, muscle strains and tears, joint sprains, epicondylitis (tennis elbow), tendinitis, contusions, bursitis, hematomas and metatarsalgia.

It is very important for athletes to resort to immediate laser treatment in order to recover quickly

your business and avoid the risk of the problem becoming chronic.

In sports medicine and physiotherapy, lasers find the highest use thanks to their analgesic effects,

anti-inflammatory properties and acceleration of healing;

• REHABILITATION THERAPY joint motor rehabilitation after the removal of plaster casts or orthopedic surgery;

• OTHER INDICATIONS acute and chronic sinusitis, keloids, burns, vascular and decubitus ulcers, cartilaginous degeneration.

The laser accelerates and promotes the healing process, inhibits the presence of microbial superinfections

and has a hyperemizing effect with improved wound cleansing.

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