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Telephone & WhatsApp: 0114276565



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For correct planning of orders, we invite you to send them by July 30th

so that the shipment of the goods is best organised.

Orders received after this date will be shipped in September.

The sales and rental activity will resume regularly from 2 September in the usual opening hours 9.00-12.30 and 15-30-19.00.


Cibrario Health Orthopedics

Via Luigi Cibrario N° 48 - Turin.

Tel. WhatsApp : 011 4276565

Your health...

our goal !

Chi siamo ortopedia sanitaria cibrario            318 798

Our Mission

Our mission is customer satisfaction, which is why we carry out our work with enthusiasm and dedication, making the quality of the service offered

the flagship of our company.

We employ expert and highly qualified staff, always available and able to carry out their work impeccably.

Our staff guarantees the customer complete advice for choosing the best item.

Chi siamo ortopedia sanitaria cibrario

Who we are

We love what we do and it shows.

The experience and professionalism of our collaborators united

to the quality of the products marketed by us,

make Cibrario Healthcare Orthopedics a solid and dynamic reality aimed at satisfying all your needs.

We have an ambitious mission: to improve quality

of people's lives.

A goal to be achieved, every day, by offering

to the health sector the collaboration of a reliable shop

and competent.

We sell aids that help people

to move more easily.

Health is at the center of our work.

The items in our shop are mainly aimed at

to private citizens but also to operators in the healthcare sector such as hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, medical practices, company infirmaries, public and private assistance,

doctors and nurses.

Cibrario Health Orthopedics has always been at your service

of its customers competence, innovation and flexibility in order to guarantee, thanks to a very strong synergy,

customer satisfaction.

Every customer is unique.

We will listen to your requests to fully satisfy

your needs.

At the center of everything, people:

"helping them live better is our goal".

In addition to the products in our shop we have

close collaboration with the most important companies

of the sector which broaden the range of proposals intended

to resolve user requests.

Cibrario Healthcare Orthopaedics, thanks to its expertise and seriousness, works in close collaboration with local healthcare facilities, in compliance with current national laws and European directives that regulate this type of activity.

ortopedia sanitaria cibrario made in italy                 82712804

Well being




A complete line of products that focus

on well-being, innovation and functionality, as well as

about promoting independence and improvement

of the quality of life.

Our goal is to ensure comfort and safety

to the patient and facilitate the work of the medical staff,

thanks to the best solutions available in the world today

of disability and handicap.

Particular attention is also paid to the dedicated area

to the care of the elderly, to home care

and basic medicine.

Our shop offers a wide range of dedicated products

both to the daily life of private citizens and to hospitals

and nursing homes, ranging from combined anti-decubitus systems

to hospital beds, wheelchairs, all aids

for walking, for bathing and basic medical devices.

The founding principle that drives our sales activity

of orthopedic healthcare items, is total honesty towards

of our customers, to whom we try to give objective information free of commercial interest.

We always remind you of the most important thing:

"choose who will produce and supply you with the item you need"

It means establishing a human relationship of mutual trust,

therefore the capacity for empathy and sincerity is often worth more

of who you have in front of you.

For us, the satisfaction of our customers is more important

than not selling the item, this is one of the reasons

which leads our customers to become attached to us and to choose

our point of sale as a trusted shop.

No less important, the fact that we prefer

il made in Italy.

So most of our items

It has Italian origin.

Visit the shop

What they say about us

Ortopedia Sanitaria Cibrario Recensioni

Welcome to Cibrario Healthcare Orthopaedics

ortopedia cibrario chi siamo

We have an ambitious mission.

Improve people's quality of life.

A goal to be achieved every day by offering

collaboration to the Health sector

of a reliable and competent shop.


©MB by Bassino Monica

Via Luigi Cibrario, 48

10144 Turin


Telephone: 39 011 4276565

WhatsApp:  39 011 4276565 

Privacy & policy

Right of Withdrawal-Exchange of Goods

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