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Orders received after this date will be shipped in September.

The sales and rental activity will resume regularly from 2 September in the usual opening hours 9.00-12.30 and 15-30-19.00.


Cibrario Health Orthopedics

Via Luigi Cibrario N° 48 - Turin.

Tel. WhatsApp : 011 4276565

Your health...

our goal !




Pressotherapy is an aesthetic treatment based on external pressure of the limbs

of the patient, through specific equipment.

The areas that can be treated are normally the limbs and the abdominal area, using applicators

(normally divided into at least 4 sections) that are worn by the patient (leggings, bracelets

or abdominal band), and inflated sequentially (from the most extreme section type

the foot or hand towards the trunk).

It is important that every treatment session with pressotherapy equipment

occurs only after having manually unblocked the collection centers of the lymphatic system

(emptying of the lymph node stations, starting from the supraclavicular ones, passing through

then to the inguinal ones and ending with the popliteal ones)

This type of aesthetic treatment is performed on those who suffer from water retention,

overweight (as the entire lymphatic and circulatory system is stressed),

or to improve blemishes caused by cellulite.

What are the benefits

Designed to increase blood circulation and lymph flow, presso therapy reduces lymphatic edema

and abdominal swelling, and is indicated for the initial stages of poor circulation or venous insufficiency (varicose veins),

improving the flow of oxygen throughout the body and relieving leg fatigue.

Pressotherapy can also be used in combination with seaweed compresses to detoxify, tone,

improve circulation and increase lymphatic drainage: however, it is not able to repair structural damage

(degeneration of vein walls, phlebothrombosis, etc.).

Possible contraindications

It is always good to keep in mind the negative aspects that the treatments you intend to undergo may entail.

In the case of pressotherapy, deep vein thrombosis and severe peripheral arterial insufficiency are possible

and heart failure.

In addition to these absolute contraindications there are a number of contraindications relating to local and general infectious conditions

(possible leg infections, thrombophlebitis, dermatitis).

Especially if carried out with maximum parameters, it can have side effects: it is therefore advisable not to overdo it

with blood pressure values and the frequency of sessions (maximum 2-3 times a week) and combine local treatments

such as microtherapy and lymphatic drainage massages, or even sports activities conducted in water.

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