Contact us
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Telephone & WhatsApp: 0114276565



Your cart


For correct planning of orders, we invite you to send them by July 30th

so that the shipment of the goods is best organised.

Orders received after this date will be shipped in September.

The sales and rental activity will resume regularly from 2 September in the usual opening hours 9.00-12.30 and 15-30-19.00.


Cibrario Health Orthopedics

Via Luigi Cibrario N° 48 - Turin.

Tel. WhatsApp : 011 4276565

Your health...

our goal !

ritiro usato ortopedia cibrario


We evaluate your used car for free.

Offering you the possibility to change it to any one

of new items in our catalogue.

You will use the voucher that will be issued to you after the evaluation

and the collection of the used item, as a discount for the purchase of the new item.

We evaluate and collect only items that are still in good condition, wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, rollators... not electromedical devices or braces.

(for any further information contact us).


Telephone or WhatsApp: 0114276565

ritiro usato ortopedia cibrario

Bring us your used one

Evaluation with estimate and price

final, free.

Service without costs and without obligation.

You will decide whether to leave us

or not your used one.

Payment in case of purchase

on our part, it will be carried out via

a shopping voucher of the agreed value;

to be spent with us within one year from the date of the voucher.

Photograph and describe

your used one

If it is inconvenient for you to go to the store,

you can send us a message

with photos of the orthopedic aid

that you would like to have evaluated,

on 0114276565.

You will receive an initial evaluation

directly via whatsapp.

The final price and the voucher will be left to you in the store after viewing the used item.

Sell used

Buy new

Item buying and selling service

healthcare orthopedists.

Once you have received our evaluation, you can decide to immediately purchase a new item, using the voucher you have obtained as a discount.

Or you can decide to use

the good that will be left to you,

within one year from the date

of issuing the voucher.

Do you have orthopedic aids that you no longer need?

Do you want to give them away to buy new items that can be more useful to you at this time? !

Come by and bring us your used car to evaluate!

The voucher will last for one year and can also be spent in installments; various expenses will be deducted from the amount

carried out throughout the year until the total amount agreed and written in your voucher has been paid off.

Come raggiungerci via l.cibrario 48 ortopedia sanitaria cibrario

From estimate to final price:

this is how we collect your used one.

The first step in the process is EVALUATION:


By photo, by email or whatsapp:

Once you have entered the general information and sent a photograph of the aid you want to leave,

you will get a first estimate.


The estimate may be different from the final price because

does not consider the specific conditions of the item.


In order to determine the final selling price,

you will need to bring us the item you wish to sell in the store.

011 4276565

Interested in our services?

We are here to help you!

Call us on 0114276565.

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