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Cibrario Health Orthopedics

Via Luigi Cibrario N° 48 - Turin.

Tel. WhatsApp : 011 4276565

Your health...

our goal !




Magnetotherapy devices are mainly used in the orthopedic field

and it is also effective for other types of ailments: even the ancient Greeks already used magnets for medical purposes

and to relieve arthritis pain.


Today magnets are used for back pain, diabetic neuropathy, post-operatively, as an anti-stress

and for headaches.

Through increased blood circulation we have a greater supply of oxygen and toxins are removed

from fabrics.

The magnets are applied directly to and across the affected area

adjustable intensity magnetic stimulation, you get the benefit.

Some also recommend it to treat osteoporosis, tendinitis, all types of osteoarticular pain and above all

to treat migraines and speed up rehabilitation after surgery.



The use of magnetite can be traced back to ancient times

of many peoples.


In recent years, biologists have discovered that many animals orient themselves by grace

to special cells sensitive to magnetic fields.

Some bacteria that live in water are influenced by magnetic fields, and small crystals of magnetite are present in their organism; this sensitivity is called magnetotactism or magnetotaxy.

These bacteria are true biological magnets, even when dead

they are arranged in the North-South direction like the needle of a compass.

Not only do bacteria have this particular aptitude, but also many other animals, including insects, birds, tuna and dolphins; all these beings have magnetic cells in their bodies: magnetosomes.

On the other hand, all of nature is immersed in the Earth's geomagnetic field, and it is therefore obvious that it has given its creatures the opportunity to use this resource.



Man is also a biomagnetic being and as such sensitive to the deficiencies, changes and fluctuations of terrestrial magnetism.

The Earth loses 0.05% of its magnetism every year, and for many this deficiency can represent a magnetic imbalance, with consequent disorders.


From research done, it seems that age is also linked to the insufficiency of magnetism,

and the following was found:

between 20 and 30 years 3% loss

between 30 and 40 years loss of 9%

between 40 and 50 years loss of 28%

between 50 and 60 years 45% loss

over 60 years loss of 15%

Magnetic deficiencies can be of two types:

1-internal imbalance due to the cellular biochemical nature of one's organism.

2-external imbalance due to the living environment and the geophysical nature of the place.

Let us remember that man, like the cell, is a being

bio-electro-chemical-magnetic, and as such sensitive to biomagnetism, too

if this is of low magnitude.


According to some scientists, reflex pressure and acupuncture also work by exploiting the electromagnetic fields present in the body.

Two American researchers, Burn and Becker, claim that electromagnetic fields are present in the human body

at very low frequency with both continuous (DC) and alternating (AC) emission.

According to these researchers, the biomagnetic field propagates from top to bottom and vice versa, and from the center of the body to the periphery and vice versa.


When an organ is diseased, anomalies are detected in the electromagnetic fields, and through reflexology and acupuncture we operate directly on particular energy centers, capable of transforming the electromagnetic charges of the organism. This change leads to a rebalancing that is not only magnetic, but also biological, promoting the variation of some chemical substances

Some researchers talk about a future in which electromagnetism will replace it

partly drugs and surgical operations, and it has already been established that a pulsating electromagnetic field facilitates

the healing of fractured bones.

The magnets to be used generally deliver a magnetic field of 2000 – 2500 gauss.

Their size is proportional to the vastness of the human body area

on which you want to act.


The cure with magnets does not involve any risk, the only attention is paid

to the first months of pregnancy and to those wearing cardiac stimulators (pacemakers)

to whom the use of magnetotherapy is not recommended.



Therapeutic indications

The use of Magnetotherapy is particularly suitable for the following pathologies:

    FracturesOsteoporosisAcute and chronic painLow back painCervical painDermatological pathologiesRespiratory pathologiesArthritisPreparation for dental implantologyPreparation and rehabilitation in hip and knee prosthesesVeno-lymphatic drainageUlcersMorton's neuromaReduction of free radicals (antioxidant therapy)Speeded recovery in athletic trainingMuscle and tendon injuriesCartilage problemsStressMagnetotherapy for fractures, osteoporosis rosis, arthrosis, ulcers, neck pain,

cartilaginous problems.

HIGH and LOW frequency magnetotherapy

"Magnetotherapy" high frequency (HF), low frequency (BF).

The validity of the application of magnetic fields in the therapeutic field has been recognized at an official level in the medical field only in recent decades, but

the study and observation of the relationship between magnetic fields and living organisms began towards the end of the 1500s.

It has been discovered, thanks to the aid of electronic microscopes, that electromagnetic impulses are able to excite the cells with the consequence of determining a rapid regeneration action of bone and skin tissues, and also significantly increase the body's immune defenses.

These impulses, especially the high frequency (HF) ones, improve blood circulation and are able to stimulate the production of endorphins by

of the autonomic nervous system, with consequent reduction of pain associated with various pathogenic states and an effective anti-inflammatory action.

Low frequency (BF) pulses, however, have also proven capable

to stimulate greater assimilation of calcium, a very important factor,

as the bones strengthen, they are much less subject to the risks of fractures, the onset of degenerative diseases and osteoporosis.

It is also important to underline that this therapy, unlike normal pharmacological therapies, does not poison the body and does not generate any side effects; and also offers the advantage, compared to other therapies, of not needing to search for particular points for the application, as it is sufficient to position the irradiating sensor on the painful area.

The effects of magnetotherapy are many, we list some of them below:

analgesic effect (HF) (BF)

neuroregulatory action on the hypothalamus, liver and spleen (HF)

regulation of intestinal motility (HF) (BF)

anti-aging action of tissues (HF) (BF)

improvement of skin metabolism (HF) (BF)

bacteriostatic activity (HF) (BF)

acceleration of soft tissue healing processes (HF) (BF)

elimination of muscle spasm (HF) (BF)

increased peripheral blood flow and blood flow speed.

( HF )

And also regarding the effects on bone tissue:

increased bone strength (BF)

improvement of osteogenesis (BF)

increased mineralization (BF)

increased collagen production and deposition (HF) (BF)

increased vascular blood flow, etc. (HF) (BF)

Magnetotherapy is used for:

relieve muscular and rheumatic pain (HF)

accelerate the healing of wounds and sores (HF)

treat myalgia, arthrosis, lumbago, sciatica, migraines, headaches, dizziness (HF)

accelerate calcification in bone fractures (BF)

treat varicose veins, phlebitis, vascular disease, gingivitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis, tendinitis, talalgia

( HF ) ( BF )

cure all inflammatory conditions (HF)

rejuvenate the skin by reducing wrinkles (HF)

strengthen the body's immune defenses. (HF)

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