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Cibrario Health Orthopedics

Via Luigi Cibrario N° 48 - Turin.

Tel. WhatsApp : 011 4276565

Your health...

our goal !

Neuro Muscular Taping

Tape neuro muscolare
Description and useful advice General application guides Clinical application guides

Correct application can reduce pain and facilitate lymphatic drainage

through the formation of skin folds.

The Neuro Muscular Taping (NMT) technique, unlike traditional inelastic and elastic taping, is based

on the facilitation of skin and muscle movements in order to obtain a therapeutic biomechanical effect on the treated areas.

Muscles represent one of the most important targets on which NMT acts, with indirect effects on venous circulation

and lymphatic and body temperature.

The tape used for Neuromuscular Taping is a layer of cotton a few millimeters thick with acrylic adhesive spread in waves.

The adhesive surface is protected by removable paper; the tape has an elasticity comparable to that of the skin, it is elastic only in length and is water resistant.

The application together with the movement of the body produces micro-movements of the tape which stimulate the skin receptors and those of the underlying layers, determining a reflex muscular response.

The tape is applied with varying degrees of tension depending on the desired therapeutic effect

and its special ventilated wavy structure allows local transpiration.

By acting on the skin, muscles, venous system, lymphatic system and joints, NMT achieves six main objectives:

    Relieve pain; Normalize muscle tension; Remove venous and lymphatic congestion; Improve blood vascularization; Correct joint alignment; Improve postural structure.

Consequently it acts at different levels:



    stimulation of skin, muscle and joint receptors; painful stimulus control;



    restoration of the right muscle tone; reduction of muscle fatigue; increase in muscle contraction; reduction of excessive relaxation of a muscle; reduction of excessive muscle contraction;


Lymphatic and Blood

    reduction of local inflammation; increased blood circulation; improved lymphatic drainage;



    stabilization at the fascial level: increase in the range of joint movement; reduction of pain

The NMT technique is to be used as an additional therapy to be included in both manual and instrumental therapeutic programs

and can be used as a sole resource.

The application of NMT, offering continuous lymphatic and vascular benefits, can facilitate recovery in post-operative and post-trauma situations.

The tape used for the treatment can be applied for several days, does not contain any active ingredient and can be used on children, adults, the elderly and pregnant women.

Applications of NMT can reduce recovery times and increase fitness levels.


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